
Source: ''

Infographic: 10 facts about Thailand to celebrate our 100th aircraft

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Personal Choices

Personal Choices:

Throughout history, people have been a powerful force for positive change. That's because when people unite and call for action, change isn't just possible, it's inevitable. But no single person stormed the beaches of Normandy or ended slavery, and no single person will stop global warming. When we solve the climate crisis, it will be because of regular people like you and me. It will be because we, along with our neighbors, co-workers, and friends around the world, took a stand and demanded that our leaders make stopping global warming a top priority.

In order to create the kind of large-scale change required to halt climate change, we need elected leaders to implement policies and pass laws that promote renewable energy and support energy efficiency. We need companies to publicly support these policies and improve their business operations and product offerings.

In addition to making our voices heard, we can each make climate-friendly choices in our personal lives, whether by buying energy efficient appliances, switching to electricity generated by renewable energy, or taking public transportation. By taking these actions and by talking to our friends about the climate crisis, we are not only reducing our personal contribution to global warming, we're building support for additional progress at the local, state, national, and international level.

The good news is that we are already a million strong and have begun to make our voices heard. Before the UN Climate Conference in Bali, we urged people to contact the State Department to support stronger action on the climate crisis. Thousands acted and the State Department called us to let us know they were collecting the responses and reporting the feedback to the US delegation. We're going to build on successes like this to ensure elected leaders and companies take action now, not ten years from now when it's too late.

As people like you and I get involved, the future will become safer and cleaner for our kids. Innovation and imagination will be the centerpieces of our robust economy. This isn't mere possibility; it is the future we need to ensure happens. We must stop global warming -- we cannot afford to fail. Please add your voice today and be part of the solution.

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